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survey station中文是什么意思

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  • 测点
  • 观测站


  • Location problem of survey station in road network
  • Zhang baoquan , zhao lihua environmental protection survey station , benxi , 117021
    本溪市环境保护监测站,本溪, 117021
  • Discussion on rough error treatment followed surveying station and rear - view data
  • The curves of the highest water level in t years in the three survey stations of huangpu river , which may be useful to the government , are given out at the end of this paper
  • The result show that degree of mineralization and total hardness have both increased to different extent in majority survey station , hydrochemistry type has transformed in individual station and reflecting the deteriorated water quality
  • The survey result made by hengshui environment survey station shows that the air pollution in hengshui in recent years is mainly due to coal fume and second - time dust and the water pollution is very serious and noise pollution is far beyond the standard
  • This paper gives a review on the five analysis approaches of fluctuation pressure on the hydraulic structures and hydromachines : the method of probability and random process , the method of time - space correlation , the method of fitting data , the method of distribution hypotheses on the data of test survey stations , and the hydromechanics method
  • Fortunately , the modern geodetic measurements such as the global positioning system ( gps ) technique can overcome the shortage of the geological and seismographic methods in the time dimension ; and yet , the coverage of the geodetic survey stations is not sufficient . as a result , it is necessary to employ numerical simulation to investigate the continuous deformation of the crust
    而以全球定位系统( gps )等技术为主的大地测量方法弥补了地质和地震学方法在时间维上的不足,但大地测量方法存在测点覆盖不足及测点地理分布不均匀的缺点,因此,要得到连续的地壳形变场有必要借助数值模拟方法。
  • There are five survey stations in the south and north main trench of xiaoxiang reservoir . the system watches real time the change of water level and the quantity of flow in the five survey stations . so the water resource can be managed systematically and scientifically , some unrational and unscientific management for human subjectivity as before will be avoided
  • Based on the data recorded of the highest water level in the three survey stations of huangpu river , we give out the parameters estimates by using the eight estimate procedures mentioned above respectively , then we calculated corresponding values of likelihood and goodness - of - fit . we reach the conclusion that maximum - likelihood method performs better and more stable than the others
    本文基于黄浦江三个水文观测站的历年最高水位资料,分别利用这八种估计方法,求出了参数估计值,然后分别计算似然函数值和拟合优度度量值w ~ 2 ,对这八种方法进行了比较分析。
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